Group of Companies

SUNACCESS Real Estate Consulting is the Group’s investment and asset manager with extensive real estate expertise and a management team with more than 20 years of experience in the real estate industry.

Our dynamism and transparency are reflected in an efficient way of working, using the highest process standards as well as methods.
Satisfied partners are our success. The basis for this are our sustainable real estate investment products, which are characterized by capital growth and above-average ongoing cash flows.

Our current focus is on the economically strong region of Austria and Germany.

We also have excellent market access with local partners on the ground in Canada (focus on Vancouver and Toronto).

STABAU was founded in Passau in 1976 by Erwin Wendl. In the first 10 years, residential and commercial buildings were developed mainly in Lower Bavaria.

The Wendl family began to build up the Donaubau Group and Areal Group as one of the leading property developers in Munich, Upper Bavaria and Lower Bavaria in the 1980s in close partnership with two other families. By 2012, over 5,000 apartments had been built and sold to private individuals.

In addition to the residential focus, various office, hotel and retail buildings were constructed, leased and subsequently sold to private and institutional investors, primarily in the Bavarian capital of Munich and at selected locations in Bavaria and Saxony.

In recent years, STABAU has newly constructed or renovated buildings for CAMBIUM Vermögensverwaltung’s own portfolio and for connected family offices.

ALPHA Immobilien ist eine Joint-Venture Gesellschaft zwischen SUNACCESS und HERTWIG Real Estate.

Beide Partner vereint eine hohe und langjährige Kompetenz in der Zusammenarbeit mit familiengeführten Unternehmen und deren Family Offices.

Für diese Investorengruppe werden unter höchster Diskretion Club Deal Immobilienprodukte nach deren speziellen Bedürfnissen umgesetzt. Zudem erfolgt eine umfangreiche Beratung von Family Offices im Investment Management, der Strukturierung von Beteiligungen bis hin zur Finanzierung.

ALPHA beteiligt sich auch als Co-Investor an den Club Deals und bleibt langfristiger Partner und Manager. Unser Fokus liegt aktuell auf der Heimatregion Bayern der Familien Wendl und Hertwig.

Im ersten Quartal 2021 konnte bereits ein Club Deal mit einem Volumen von nahezu 70 Millionen Euro in Bayern erfolgreich umgesetzt werden.

CAMBIUM has been the Wendl family’s asset management company for direct real estate investments and holdings in other asset-managing real estate companies since 1976.

The properties in the portfolio were almost all developed by sister companies of the group themselves and have since been successfully managed over several property life cycles.

The focus is on the residential and office asset class as well as two hotel properties.
CAMBIUM has strong regional roots in Upper Bavaria and Lower Bavaria, where the majority of the real estate portfolio is located.

The team of BIG Vision leadership has one mission: to bring servant leadership alive in leaders, teams, companies and any organization that wants to thrive on values and follow a larger vision and purpose.

BIG Vision Leadership is specializing in servant leadership trainings, strategy consultations and retreats. For their experienital and unique learning experiences BIG Vision partners with Strametz, the inventor of Leadership Simulations, as their trusted partner for Active Learning-based leadership development.

For more information on how BIG Vision Leadership can serve you and your people head on over to our company website